Thursday, February 26, 2009

Answer Me This

How did Steven Seagal become... Who thought that he was a.... What... Wh... ...How do his movies get made?! He's terrible! The "action" is awful! I'm watching this thing Pete has on and I'm asking myself: To whom is he even a hero in this? Rageaholics? Workaholics? Good ol' boys? Wannabe cops? I simply don't understand how this man has a career.

Pete said he's watching it for the moment when the female lead realizes she's going to have to kiss him at some point. I said I'm watching for the moment when she realizes that she's in a Steven Seagal movie. Then we saw... Tom Arnold. I said, "I bet he already knows he's in a Steven Seagal movie." Pete said, "At this point in his career, Steven Seagal may be wondering how he ended up in a Tom Arnold movie."


Rip Tatermen said...

Y'know those fat guys who work as rent-a-cops or similar, and have boners for real cops, and wear combat webbing and order military grade gear off the web, and have steel-sole boots in case anyone tries to stab them in the bottom of the foot, and consider themselves eminently prepared for any combat situation, anticipated or no, even though they're very fat? I am assuming those guys are the only ones who still watch Seagal. Them and people who make funny youtube videos out of his girlie running and child-shooting proclivities.

Seph said...

I remember watching Under Siege as a 10-year-old boy and kind of enjoying it. So don't forget that demographic...