Last weekend, Pete and I were driving around looking at apartments and houses for rent, when we saw the most curious sight. In the park at SE 21st & Belmont, we saw two men jousting. On super tall unicycles. In what appeared to be S&M gear. Surrounded by a crowd of people. We couldn't get pictures right then because the light turned and I was at completely the wrong angle. But we circled the block and got the following shots. Apparently the guy in the black shorts had won, and the crowd seemed divided as to whether or not this was a good thing. It is so
weird to hear people
booing in Portland!

I wasn't saying that elf-elf action was a fetish I had. But S&M Jousting is. You've just satisfied me in so many ways, Syd. Thank you, now if you'll excuse me, I need to "use the bathroom".
Well, you've just made me miss Portland. I've gotta say that I'm proud to come from one of the weirder parts of the U.S., and while there's plenty of strange stuff over here, Portland's own brand of public oddness never ceases to make me feel all warm and quirky inside.
Mmmm... Now I want to go to order a proper coffee, eat salmon, get on the MAX, and watch the rain. Oh Rose City, how I love your strange ways...
Man. SCA events don't have anything nearly that cool. I write that sentence in full awareness of the reaction that it will invoke from many of you. But I care not! It is there, it is mine, and I have no regrets!
Joseph - you should tell your stuffy old SCA to get on the leather-hotpants super-tall-unicycle jousting bandwagon! I mean, are they mice or are they dudes with sweaty asses poking each other with boxing gloves duct taped to the ends of pool cues? (I don't actually know that that's what their jousting lances were made of - I'm just guessing.) SCA clearly needs to put more emphasis on the C and less on the S. Also, more on the A. In fact, why stop there? More A for everyone! Hooray! :)
Also, do you ever see a pixie-like professor of medieval French from UO at your meetings? We never knew, but always assumed she was a member because of the festive medieval velvet hats she dusted off every year for the spring street fair. Man, that class was awesome!
I think that S&M unicycle jousting events would actually go over quite well with the SCA crowd... It's just a matter of introducing them. Perhaps this shall be my contribution.
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